State and Local Elected Officials were invited to a Conference call with President Obama along with several employees from cabinet level offices to discuss the USA's response to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. Despite short notice of the call, elected officials from Kornfield County were in attendance.
The President said that he was confident that Ebola wouldn't become a domestic issue because of the healthcare apparatus that is in place here at home. Confidence appears to be justified because of the many people from other places that have travelled to the US only one person (that we know of) has shown symptoms of the disease.
So far the only countries with an Ebola outbreak are the West African nations of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. the first step, that the US is taking is to control it at the source.
To that end 5 major airports in the US: JFK, Newark, DFW, O'Hare, and Atlanta will implement entry screenings in which travelers will be visually inspected, required to fill out a health questionnaire, called a Traveler Health Declaration, and have their temperature taken. Travelers who show signs of Ebola will be isolated for further medical screening, courtesy of the Medical Coastguard. It takes 21 days to be cleared of this disease.
It is important to remember that Ebola is spread through direct contact, and as far as can be determined is not airborne as of yet. Someone who has Ebola, but not showing symptoms can not effect other people