Tuesday, April 29, 2014

When is liking really liking? by Jerald E Hinkle

     Since the advent of Facebook and similar social media, the meaning of some words have changed. Does anyone actually make "friends" the old fashioned way anymore? How closely do we "follow" someone on Twitter? To some people of a certain age, like myself, this can be confusing, but one word above all others has really taken on new meaning:like!
     I came across this phenomenon when my grandma died. My brother informed his "friends" on Facebook, and quite a few of them "liked" the post. It shocked my sensibilities! Early Monday morning a plane crashed in Hyde County, killing all 4 people aboard. When people started to "like" the Keloland article on Facebook, one person spoke up about it.
     I have found myself used to it by now. People use the like button to acknowledge that they read whatever was posted, even if what they read was not truly liked. Those who like an article keep it in circulation, which is good if it is something that people should know about, even if it's bad news!
     How do you use the like button? Be sure to comment on this article with your answer. You can also like or comment on the post asking how you use the like button on the Facebook page of our brother blog, Holabird Advocate! You can also join the Mind of the World Facebook group for further discussion! and of course, drop us a Gmail at publisher@gmail.com
God be with you and do the best you can!

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